If you’re looking to engage your audience, it’s important that your email subjects are catchy and intriguing. Check out these 137 email subject for sharing information that will help you get your message across. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to start a business or just want to be entertained, there’s something here for everyone!

Email Subject Lines for sharing information
- New study reveals surprising findings on (topic)
- Breaking news: (important update on topic)
- You won’t believe what’s happened with (topic)…
- Just in: (new information on topic)
- Here’s what we know so far about (topic)
- Latest update on (topic): (key details)
- Important reminder: (time-sensitive information about topic)
- Need-to-know info for (group or event related to topic)
- Just announced: (new development related to topic)
- FYI: (interesting facts about topic)
- Check out this cool resource on (topic): (link)
- For fans of (topic): (update or new development))
- New blog post: (title)
- Industry news: (title)
- Article of interest: (title)
- white paper: (title)
- Case study: (title)
- Webinar recording: (title)
- Presentation: (title)
- Podcast episode: (title)
- Book review: (title)
- Research report: (title)
- Tip of the day: (topic)
- How to: (topic)
- Newsflash: (headline)
- Just in: (headline)
- Alert! : (headline)
- FYI: (info of interest)
- Check this out!: (info of interest)
- For your consideration: (info of interest or request)
- Have you heard the news?
- You won’t believe what I just found out!
- Check out this interesting article I read
- Get the inside scoop on what’s going on
- This might be of interest to you…
- Here’s what I’ve been wanting to tell you
- I thought you’d like to know…
- Can I share something with you?
- There’s something I need to tell you
- Let me share this with you…
- This is huge! You have to check this out
- Oh my gosh, you won’t believe this!
- Are you sitting down? Because I have some news…
- How would you like to hear some good news?
- Some exciting news to share with you!
- Hold onto your seat, because this is big…
- Good news – I have something to share with you!
- Guess what? I have some great news to share!
- Here’s something that will make your day…
For More: 115 Ideas for email subject lines that Opened
Quick Tips to write Email subject lines for sharing information
Email subject lines are one of the most important parts of an email campaign. The subject line determines whether your subscribers will click on your email or not. If you aren’t writing good email headline, that’s probably why your email open rate is low. Email headlines announce new information to readers who have opted-in so they must be informative, brief and interesting.
Notice the words “brief” and “interesting.” If information isn’t valuable to readers, they won’t care to read it. As what you must remember, subject lines should be concise and not more than 50 characters or 6-10 words. You can also boost your email open rates by creating curiosity with your headline. Curiosity leads to questions, and that’s what your readers want to know.
1. Know your market
To learn more about your target market, pay attention to what they are talking about online. This will help you familiarize yourself with their language and the words they use. For example, if you’re promoting a new product, use the same keywords your target market is using in their social media posts and online discussions.
2. Keep it short
A good email headline should be brief and to the point. Subscribers don’t have time to read long headlines, so make sure to get your message across quickly. Think of your headline as the “elevator pitch.” If you’re not good at summarizing information into a few words, then don’t force it.
3. Offer valuable information
Don’t be generic; that’s what most the spammers do and they end up getting blacklisted by ISPs (internet service providers). Instead, think like a journalist and offer information that’s helpful to your market.
For More: How to write a good email subject line That Opened 10x
137 Email subject for sharing information that engages More. Click to see how you can create your own email subjects that get attention and clicks! When it comes to email, the topic of the subject line is everything. If you can’t get someone’s attention with your subject line, they aren’t going to open your email no matter what’s inside. That’s why we put together this list of 137 email subjects that engage more readers. We hope you find these helpful in creating your own emails!