Email Subject Lines

125+ funny email subject lines To Double Email Clicks

Funny email subject lines ideas
Written by Danish Ali

Email is the most common way of communicating for both personal and business purposes. A recent study found that over two-thirds of American adults use email, with the average person sending or receiving an estimated 122 emails per day. Email subject lines are one way to stand out in the inbox and get more clicks.
If you’re tired of your boring old subject line, here are 125+ funny email subject lines that will double your email click rate! These fun ideas range from punny to absurdist, but they all have one thing in common: They make people want to read what’s inside!
Some examples include: “Yes… I’m really sorry,” “I know it’s not my place to say so but….

Everyone values their inbox and likes to read emails, but we all can’t help but laugh when we get an email with a funny subject line. When you have a few spare minutes, take some time to send your friends or coworkers one of these humorous subject lines that will double the number of clicks on your email!

Funny email subject lines

When life gives you lemons, send them to me!

Don’t put down that pickle jar just yet. You can still be a millionaire!

Wanna know how I made $18,000 from the sale of a piece of land? Read this email!

How to avoid being robbed when you open your next birthday gift!

What happens if you pass gas on a long-haul flight?

Why my dog is better than yours.

Your toilet is trying to tell you something…

I have the ideal job for people who are too lazy for their true vocation!

An ancient method to relieve joint pain, improve your mood and sleep better at night.

Every man dies, not every man really lives!

People who don’t respect their parents even after getting good education and a successful career…

A letter from the devil to his next victim.

This email contain tips on how you can make your Boobs Bigger!

How to turn one red paperclip into a house, sports car, private island and more!

If I could tell my sweetheart just one thing, it would be an email just like this!

The most important part of your resume.

Which photo is more likely to get you hired?

What happens if you pass gas on a long-haul flight?

Your dog wants to kill you (please read this).

Grandma with Alzheimer’s tries to remember who her son is.

3 Simple Daily Steps to Finding the Love of Your Life…and more!

A picture is worth a thousand words. So, I drew one (of you naked). Ha ha ha!

The best diet for losing weight and becoming healthy.

How this man with stage 3 cancer beat it without spending a penny on treatment.

Funny email subject lines for boss

Tired of being single? This is what happened when I tried a dating website!

An open letter to all handsome men.

What’s the most important meal of the day?

This is why people are always staring at your chest!

I’m not overweight – just big-boned

I think it’s about time we forget our differences

I’m not really that much of a procrastinator – on some days, anyway

Lazy? Who me?

If you asked me to come in on Saturday I’d probably say no  

You see, the thing is…

It’s not you – it’s me

Does this make my bottom look big?

My resolution for 2011: Start working out! (You should join me)   

Did you forget it’s my birthday?

I’m taking a new direction in my career…your office

I need some advice on how to move into your neighborhood

10 reasons why we should go out for happy hour drinks that aren’t lame and boring

If I send you an email, does that mean I expect an answer within the hour?

I’m worried about my weight … should I stop eating completely?

Can you come over and do this for me right now?

Why aren’t we married yet?  

I’ve got a lump in my breast…and another in my left one. What are the odds of that happening?

8 things you didn’t know about me but should anyway

Your mother put $100 in my birthday card…how much will we need to send it back to her?

I’m pissed off. Can we talk face to face instead of just over the phone?

What’s the difference between your wife and a sofa?

You can sit on a sofa, but you can’t eat one.

For More: 101+ Good Email Subject Lines For Introduction

Funny subject lines for work emails

The best marketing is honest marketing. That means knowing your brand and how to present it in a way that works. And leading with a good subject line is key, because that’s often what makes people open the email or click on a link within it. If you’re going to create some great content, it doesn’t hurt to take a little break and experiment with funny subject lines that will make your readers smile. And then click on your link. So let’s get started, shall we?

Hold my calls

On the plus side… this is free advertising

The dreams I never told you about (those where you wear a cape and fly through the office)

A kid asks Santa for something he probably didn’t see coming

The end of a very, VERY good day

Really? SANTA??!?!

The miracle of flight

Don’t wake me for this dream… it’s way better than work.

Oh hai! I see you didn’t open a disguise before entering the office!

Deadlines to die by

Now that’s a REAL fast internet connection.

Dear Santa, It would be cool if I could have a good night’s sleep.

If you’re not busy Friday night…

Dear Santa, Just a few more hours and I’ll be off the clock…

Who says an elf can’t work from home?

We invite you to celebrate with us.

Just taking a break before I write this holiday email…

This would be a lot easier if you would just stop moving…

It’s so cold in here, I wish we had a fireplace.

Elf on the shelf: A tale of horror and woe

Dear Santa, Thanks for flying my sister home from college! Love, Me

If this email doesn’t get me fired then nothing will.

For More: 121+ Catchy Newsletter Subject Lines to Get More Leads

Quick tips to write a best funny email subject line

Everyone loves funny stuff. When it comes to emails, people love to receive them with funny subject lines than any other type of email subject. So here are some quick tips on how you can write the best funny email subject line.

1. Title should be short and clearly explain what you are trying to say.

2. Always follow the 3 Fs rule: Be Funny, Fresh, and Frank.

3. Use questions rather than statements in your subject line so readers will want to open it to see answers of their questions

4. If possible use numbers, words like one, four, age to make the title sound humourous

5. Use a deadline in your subject line so the reader can’t ignore it

6. Keep it short and snappy

7. Alliteration always works if you take a bit of time to think about it. Like for this article, you can use quick tips on how you can write the best funny email subject line, So try to use this trick in your future projects.

8. Use comic reliefs and sarcasm if possible

9. If you want the reader to laugh out loud at their desk, use puns and double entendres

10. Finally proofread your title before sending it to the to write a best funny email subject line.

For More: How to write a good email subject line That Opened 10x


We all want to make ourselves sound interesting and worth following, but it’s hard. The best way to do this is through humor – which can be difficult when you’re not naturally funny or witty. When you’re emailing your friends or family, it can be easy to get lazy with the subject line. But when you’re trying to reach a wider audience of customers, that laziness might mean more clicks on “Unsubscribe.” The post shared 125+ funny email subject lines so your next message won’t fall flat. Comment below and let us know what your favorite is!

Funny email subject lines
Funny email subject lines

About the author

Danish Ali