Do you want to learn how to write subject lines that get your emails opened? We’ve compiled a list of 135 sorry email subject lines and samples so you can start writing better, more engaging subject lines today. They’re broken down into categories like “sad,” “apologetic,” and “excited.” You can use them as inspiration for your own unique copy or just pick one from the list that fits your brand voice! It doesn’t matter if you’re an individual blogger or a large company with hundreds of employees – these are all actionable tips that anyone can use to improve their email marketing campaigns.
If you want to know what makes a good apology email subject line, then this is the perfect resource for you! Whether it’s about not being able to make it on time or canceling plans at the last minute – we’ve got examples of every type of sorry message out there. And don’t worry – we didn’t forget about those who have been wronged by others either! These examples will help show people exactly how they should respond when someone else screws up (and hopefully prevent future mistakes). With our guide in hand, there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t be able to craft an effective apology message right now.
For More: How to write a good email subject line That Opened 10x

Sorry email subject lines
- I’m sorry, but I have to end this
- Our deepest apologies
- I’m sorry, but I have to break up with you
- 💔 Sorry, this is the last time we can offer our free ebook
- A Request for Forgiveness
- Can we talk?
- We’re sorry for the inconvenience
- A request for forgiveness
- I’m sorry, but I have to ask
- The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do
- Can I ask for a favor?
- We’re upgrading our systems – please bear with us
- We’re making some changes, please bear with us
- [Client Name] is sorry
- I’m sorry, please forgive me
- We want to be your branding agency
- Last chance to redeem your free logo design
- A sincere apology
- We’re sorry, we tried our best
- We need to talk about your brand…
- We’re not quite sure what went wrong
- A sincere apology for the inconvenience
- [Company Name] regrets to inform you…
- I’m sorry, but we won’t be able to work with you
- [Client Name] is sorry
- Sorry, we’re closed!
- I’m sorry for being so demanding
email subject lines for Apologize
- We’re working hard to make things better 😊
- We’re working hard to improve your experience
- Unexpected Issue in Our System
- A sincere apology for the inconvenience
- We’re working on a solution, please stay tuned!
- A sincere apology from the entire team
- We’re upgrading our systems – read more for details
- We’re experiencing an unexpected issue…
- Sorry for the inconvenience caused
- We’re sorry for the inconvenience
- I’m sorry for the delay
- We’re working hard to improve your experience
- We’re currently experiencing technical difficulties
- Unexpected issue with your order
- We’re working to improve your experience
- We’re making some changes – here’s what you need to know
- A change in our opening hours
- We’re making some changes, and we need your help!
- We’re currently closed for renovations
- [Company Name] is moving!
- We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused
- 🙁 We’re experiencing some technical difficulties
Quick Tips to write subject lines & Samples
We all make mistakes. It’s human nature. But even the most seasoned PR person makes a mistake every now and then.
So how can you use email subject lines to recover from an embarrassing screw up? Here are some quick tips on what to do, and samples of how you can apologize in the subject line of your emails.
1. Own up to your mistake
The first step is to take ownership of your mistake. Don’t try to pass the blame on to someone else, or make excuses. Just be honest and say that you’re sorry for what you did.
2. Apologize sincerely
Next, apologize sincerely for what you did. Express regret that it happened.
3. Discuss next steps you’re taking to remedy the mistake
Lastly, talk about what you’re doing to fix the issue and make sure it doesn’t happen again in the future. This will help restore trust with your contact when they see action from you rather than just words.
For More: 147+ Professional Email Subject Lines Ideas & Examples
In case you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty obsessed with email marketing. And one of the things I love most about it is finding new and interesting ways to get people to open my emails. One of the simplest (and oldest) ways to do that is by using a good subject line.
I’ve put together a list of 135 sorry email subject lines that will hopefully give you some ideas for your own campaigns. I’ve also included a few samples so you can see how they work in action. Enjoy! 🙂