Email Subject Lines

107 Announcement email subject lines to Get more Response

Announcement email subject lines to Get more Response
Written by Danish Ali

Email marketing has always been an important part of any company’s digital marketing strategy. There are many ways to approach email marketing, but there is one thing that every email should have in common: a well-written subject line. Subject lines can be used to inform your audience about updates or announcements, or they can be used as the main call-to-action for the email. Use these 107 announcement email subject lines to get more response from your customers!

For a while now, we’ve been struggling with how to perfect our email subject lines. We thought it would be a good idea to share some of the best ones that have actually worked for us and see if they work for you too. We’re starting off this post with what’s been our most successful one so far: “Hey there.” This simple name-calling has helped get more people responding to emails from us because it makes them feel like they know each other or at least that someone cares enough about their opinion. So if you want your customers, clients, colleagues, friends and family members to respond better next time you send an email out – try “Hey there.”

The biggest challenge for any email marketer is to get people to open their messages. Emails are often buried in the inbox and, if they do get opened, it’s usually because of an urgent message or a notification that something has gone wrong. The truth is that most emails only get read when there’s something important inside them. It can be difficult to find the right subject line for your email but there are some tried-and-true methods you can use to make sure your messages actually get seen by customers and prospects alike.

Announcement email subject lines

Announcement email subject lines

  • “Big news!”
  • All hands on deck! Big news to share.
  • Announcement: We’re moving!
  • Announcement: Change of plans…
  • Important announcement about the future of our company
  • We have some exciting news to share!
  • Attention! This is not a drill.
  • For your eyes only: top secret announcement
  • Please stand by for an important announcement
  • Announcement: New website launch
  • Announcement: We’re featured in the news!
  • Exciting announcement: We’re expanding!
  • Announcement: New partner/supplier/vendor
  • Announcement: Employee of the month
  • Announcement: Employee of the quarter
  • Announcement: Customer of the month/quarter/year
  • Announcement: Winner of the XYZ award!
  • Announcement: Safety/quality milestone reached
  • Announcement: ISO certification achieved!
  • Are you sitting down? We have some news for you…
  • Get ready for a big surprise!
  • Guess who’s back? We have a special announcement to make…
  • The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here…
  • Something big is coming your way… stay tuned!
  • Coming soon: the [biggest/most exciting] announcement of the year!
  • Drum roll please… we have an announcement to make!
  • Hold onto your hats, because this is going to be a wild ride…
  • “We’ve got some exciting news to share!”
  • “There’s a new [product/service] in town!”
  • “[Product/service] is now available!”
  • “Check out our new [product/service]!”
  • “It’s time to upgrade to [product/service]”
  • “[Product/service] is now cheaper than ever!”
  • “Get [product/service] for free!”
  • “[Product/service] is now available in [location]”
  • “Now you can get [product/service] from anywhere!”
  • “[Product/service] is now available in [language]”
  • “You asked for it, and now you’ve got
  • [Product] is now available!
  • Introducing [Product]
  • [Product] is here!
  • Get excited – [Product] is coming soon!
  • Hold the date – [Event] is happening on [Date]!
  • It’s time to celebrate – [Announcement]
  • Big news – we’re launching [Product]!
  • We have some news…
  • Guess what? [Product] is coming your way!
  • Hold onto your seats – this is going to be big!
  • You won’t believe what we’ve been up to…
  • We’ve got a surprise for you…
  • Get ready for something special…
  • This is going to be good…
  • Something amazing is coming your way…
  • This will be worth your while… trust us!;)
  • We couldn’t keep this to ourselves any longer…
  • The wait is finally over!;)
  • Are you ready for this?;)
  • [Company/We] have some news that will

For More: 105 Coming soon email subject lines ideas & Sample

Quick Tips To Write email subject lines to Get more Response

When it comes to email marketing, the subject line is one of the most important elements. It’s what gets your email opened in the first place. And if you want to write an announcement email, you need to craft a subject line that will get attention.

Here are a few tips for writing announcement email subject lines:

Be Brief and Get to the Point:

The overall goal of a subject line is to get your potential customer to open your email. You can’t do that if they don’t see what the email contains within the few seconds after clicking on it. Make sure you keep your subject lines short and easy to comprehend so they have a better chance of being read.

Include the Main Point:

Similar to being concise, make sure your subject line includes the main point of your email. This will help ensure that readers know what the email is about before opening it and decide whether or not they want to click through.

Use Numbers or Lists:

Another way to get attention is by using numbers or lists in your subject line. This will help stand out in the inbox and make it seem like there’s something valuable inside.

Be Specific:

If you have a specific offer or sale that you’re promoting, make sure to mention that in the subject line. This will help give some context as to why the email is there and what you’re trying to promote.

Be Clear:

If your email contains a promotion or new product, make sure it’s clear in the subject line about what that is. It can be easy for people to miss important points if they aren’t mentioned clearly.


When it comes to email subject lines, there are 107 different variations you can use. Which of these do you think will get the most responses? Comment below and let me know! Let’s look at what some people said… “I find that humor gets more response than anything else.” or “For my company I like using a question as the subject line because they tend to generate higher open rates.” What about you? Do any of these appeal to your sense of humor? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Quick Tips To Write email subject lines to Get more Response

About the author

Danish Ali